Day start shift (Professional edition)
Day start shift feature is most useful for those who work through midnight. In previous versions if you worked through midnight you would end up with something like this.
Day ends at midnight
Day starts the following at midnight
This wasn't very user friendly for those who work through midnight and it was almost impossible to know how much you worked on a given day if you normally stop working at 2 AM for example.
Day start shift allows you to tell ManicTime from when to when the day is counted. So for example a day start shift of 5 will display all days from 5AM to 5AM.
Setting day start shift
Now the same day pictured above will look like
Setting time shift
Statistics will also take this into account. For example, lets say day start shift is configured to 5 AM. If we have these two tags:
- Browsing 10PM - 11PM (Jun 11)
- Browsing 1AM - 2AM (Jun 12)
In statistics you would see Browsing 2hrs for Jun 11th.
Zoom enhancements
When over the timelines you can now mouse scroll to zoom, CTRL - mouse scroll to move left and right.
You can now zoom to any time, not just hours, minimum zoom range is 10 minutes.