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ManicTime v3.7 changes

What's new in this version:

Screenshots improvements

There were quite a few requests to improve screenshots.

Screenshot viewer in separate window

You can now open screenshot viewer in dedicated window (F12). Those with two or more monitors will find this one handy.
Screenshot viewer in another window

Zoom, edit, copy, next, previous, delete...

To get to the screenshot toolbar menu (zoom, edit, copy...), press F11 while viewing a screenshot. This will freeze the screenshot, which will allow you to use the toolbar below.
Screenshot options
You can:
  • Zoom - use mouse scroll to zoom
  • Pan - hold down left button and drag
  • Zoom 1:1 - zoom to native resolution
  • Navigate to previous or next screenshot - left/right cursors keys or CTRL-mouse scroll
  • Save as - opens a Save as dialog
  • Open in default viewer - opens image in default viewer
  • Open in default editor - opens image in default editor
  • Delete screenshot - deletes the image from disk

Delete screenshots

You can now delete screenshots by making a selection, then go to Delete -> Screenshots. Delete -> All will also delete screenshots.
Delete screenshots

Timesheet usage report

Over the years we received quite a few support tickets, asking us how to get the usage data gathered while you were working on the timesheet. To get this report, just create a timesheet, then switch to tab "Usage details". This will create a report, which will include only activities tracked during the time you were working on tags included in the timesheet.
You can group the report by Groups, Title, or just show all the activities without any grouping (Details).
Computer usage details during timesheet work
Sometimes you will incorrectly tag an entry. For example my visit below should not be part of the invoice. To remove it from the invoice, all I have to do is right click on the entry and choose "Tag selected as". Then tag it as something else and refresh the report.
Retag a usage to remove it from timesheet
If you'd like to know when some activity happened, click on "Go to first occurrence".

Skype for business plugin

As requested, we created a plugin for Skype for business. To use it, go to Plugin manager, "More plugins" tab and install it. Then go to Timeline editor (icon just above the timelines, in top left corner) and add Skype for business plugin. After you add it, calls you made with Skype for business will show up on its own timeline.
Skype for business

Support for ManicTime server authentication (available in ManicTime Server v3.5)

Up until now ManicTime Server authentication relied on Windows, which means that ManicTime Server users were users defined in Windows. This worked great if your users were part of the same domain, but it was not a great solution, if your users were not part of the same domain or used Macs.
Upcoming server version (v3.5) will support ManicTime Server users and you will need this version to connect to the server which uses those users.